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Is it Possible To Have Two Different Internet Providers in One House?

Key Takeaways

  • Yes, you can have two different Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in one household to accommodate diverse internet needs, provided the necessary connection infrastructure is in place.

  • The option for dual ISPs is more accessible in highly connected regions, but may be constrained in areas with inadequate internet infrastructure.

  • A practical approach to managing dual ISPs is to opt for distinct types of providers, such as one DSL and one cable provider, which helps in minimizing interconnectivity issues.

Reasons To Have Two ISPs

Multiple housemates who have different tastes, family members with different internet needs, or different parties wanting to split the bill in specific ways are all reasons people may want two ISPs in the same household. In addition, the processing demands of modern internet usage (think of two tech entrepreneurs building two companies in their garage) may create the conditions for having two ISPs. Routers can get overloaded, their bandwidth reaching capacity or even getting overloaded, so in these instances it’s also a good idea to have two ISPs. In the rapidly accelerating pace of technology we all live in the midst of games, phones, fitness trackers, TVs, phones, smart appliances and more all take up processing power.

Another justifiable reason for having two ISPs in the same household is different internet speeds. Some people are content with a simple internet or ethernet connection, while others may have hugely different needs and require FiOs (fiber optic internet – as fast as it gets). As an analogy, It’s kind of funny to think about two people walking at different paces around the same house, but stranger things have happened.

One simple solution that many opt for is to have one DSL provider and one cable provider. This offers the most direct way to have concurrent internet providers in the same household without any of the potential hassle for interacting factors.

Potential Reasons Why It May or May Not Be Possible to Have Two ISPs

In high-connected cities and regions it is more likely to have the option of having multiple providers in one house. However, not all of the U.S. is like this – in fact, the majority is not, and the American internet system is in desperate need of an upgrade.

Let’s explain some of the background behind how internet service providers operate. ISPs pay for network infrastructure, almost like a virtual “plot of land” (with an actual physical analog, being a section of massively extending fiber cables). What you pay for is access to that plot of land, and all of the accoutrements that come with it, including devices, speeds and more.

Due to a poor internet infrastructure in the United States, the majority of the population really doesn’t have the option to have two ISPs. Now, that is changing with recent infrastructure legislation, and improvements are on the horizon, especially for major cities in each state. However, these circumstances are real barriers to entry for those who may have the needs and means for two concurrent ISPs in the same house, but simply don’t have the option to procure them.

Actionable Steps: How to Get Two ISPs in the Same House

All the same, there are a few concrete ways you can go about obtaining two ISPs in the same house. They include informing your technician (1), keeping things separate (2), and consider taxes (3). Read below for more details.

Informing Your Technician

Even though customer service agents and reps from internet service provider companies would prefer they have an internet monopoly over your house, the people actually installing your internet are indifferent to such a matter. Inform them that you want two ISPs – which involve two cable connections – and they will configure your internet setup so that you can have what you need. They’ll also give you tips on where to install each network for maximum connectivity and minimum interactivity.

Divide Your House

It’s pretty intuitive: keep different internet connections in separate areas of your home. This may involve some visual geometry, as you could “halve” your house or sector it by rooms and living areas. Technicians will appreciate such preparedness.

Write off Your Taxes if You Can

Maximize the amount of work you get done on the different networks (if you’re housemates working on different business projects, this much is for granted) to write off the internet expenses on your taxes. For instance, if you’re a husband and wife and each own different parts of the same business, divide the internet that way.

One general action step you can take that makes the whole process easier is two get two ISPs of different types. For instance, broadband and satellite, or as mentioned above, DSL and cable. Have great communication skills if you want two FiOS networks to start the next Apple and Google, because conversations with your ISPs might get a little spicy.


The basic answer to the question “Is it possible to have two ISPs in the same household” is a resounding yes. In this article, we discussed the reasons you might want to ISPs and how to go about getting them. That being said, we’ve also discussed many of the caveats and roadblocks to doing so. Knowledge is power, so keep yourself informed, and if you want to get two connections, go for it!

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